Composer: Adam Nordén, Karzan Mahmood Hussein
Number of tracks (main versions only): 14
track list KL 170 Dark Skies (main versions only)
Index | Track | Track Description | Duration |
01 | Dark Skies | A driving emotional theme, built of a dark haunting pulse with Ronroco arpeggios and moving string chords. Tags: haunting, pulse, subdued, shimmering, suspense, Noir, soundtrack | 1:39 |
02 | It Will Rain | Emotional and melancholic solo cello and piano theme. Tags: pulse, haunting, suspense, dynamic, melancholic, emotional, longing, Noir, soundtrack | 2:45 |
03 | It's Coming For You | Slowly building action cue. Tags: driving, dark, moving, nervous, impassionate, build-up, Noir, soundtrack | 1:39 |
04 | Dark Lake | Dark dystopian atmosphere. Tags: airy, dark, apocalyptic, menacing, metallic, haunting, tension, suspense, Noir, soundtrack | 1:44 |
05 | Hidden Stairs | Airy, cold and haunting atmosphere develops into a dark pulse. Tags: airy, cold, haunting, pulse, Noir soundtrack | 1:35 |
06 | Woke Up On A Bad Day | Dark dystopian soundscape with underlying pulse and slow gradual build-up. Tags: dark, dystopian, pulsating, gritty, pulse, build-up, Noir, soundtrack | 2:01 |
07 | Rooftop Melee | Dark and menacing soundscape with driving action pulse. Tags: dark, accents, subdued, driving, percussive, Noir, soundtrack | 1:44 |
08 | Touchdown Runway | Subdued piano motive over dark and haunting pulse with tremolo strings. Tags: pulse, dark, accents, haunting, subdued, Noir, soundtrack | 1:27 |
09 | While He's Waiting | Ambient soundscape with ponticello strings. Tags: flowing, airy, melancholic, Noir, soundtrack | 2:15 |
10 | Pink Sky | Sul ponticello strings in a dark pulsating soundscape. Tags: dystopian, menacing, suspense, disconcerting, puslating, flowing, Noir, soundtrack | 1:37 |
11 | Into The Abyss | Metallic drone and strings create a dystopian atmosphere. Tags: dark, suspense, menacing, disconcerting, flowing, dystopian, Noir, soundtrack | 2:02 |
12 | Do Not Enter | Suspense cue with drones, strings, brushes and mallets. Tags: haunting, suspense, disconcerting, dark, insecurity, Noir, score | 1:54 |
13 | The Day After | A mysterious theme built of pads, large drum accents and reversed strings. Tags: dark, haunting, suspense, menacing, dystopian, Noir, soundtrack | 1:46 |
14 | Sidewalk Foot Chase | Action cue conveying urgency and danger with pulsating pads, dark strings and energetic percussion accents. Tags: dark, menacing, immanent danger, disconcerting, speed, urgency, Noir, soundtrack | 1:30 |