Composer: Opium Flirt
Number of tracks (main versions only): 15
track list KL 141 Smooth Chill (main versions only)
Index | Track | Track Description | Duration |
01 | Eye To Eye | Chillout, lounge, ambient. Tags: dreamy, inspiring, flowing, ambient guitars, chillout, lounge, ambient | 02:15 |
02 | Stars | Ambient chillout. Tags: relaxed, positive, contrast, inspiring, beat, ambient, chillout | 02:27 |
03 | Memory Song | Lounge, chillout, Tags: driving, contrast, beat, ambient, relaxed, futuristic, lounge, chillout | 02:11 |
04 | Rainy Skies | Lounge. Tags: driving, beat, mysterious, tension, flowing, guitars, lounge | 02:04 |
05 | Arrival | Electro minimal. Tags: driving, mysterious, tension, productive, positiv, urban, minimlaistic, electro, minimal | 02:24 |
06 | Pink Sunset | Ambient, RnB beat. Tags: urban, driving, cool, sunny, RnB, Ambient | 02:09 |
07 | Meridian | Lounge, chillout. Tags: relaxed, sunny, positive, chic, lounge, chillout | 02:18 |
08 | Silver Forrest | Chillout, ambient. Tags: contrast, beat, building, flowing, positive, chillout, ambient | 02:12 |
09 | Serendipity | Lounge, Chillout. Tags: relaxing, sunny, chic, flowing, positive, inspiring, lounge, chillout | 02:05 |
10 | Ambient Horizon | Chillout, Electro. Tags: sunny, relaxed, flowing, inspiring, chillout, electro | 02:03 |
11 | Echo Moon | Electro, chillout. Tags: flowing, futuristic, urban, sunny, productive, inspiring, electro, chillout | 02:16 |
12 | Future Gaze | Electro, Lounge. Tags: mysterious, urban, tension, night, electro, lounge | 02:30 |
13 | Pulsar | Chillout, Lounge. Tags: relaxing, sunny, flowing, chic, inspiring, futuristic, chillout, lounge | 02:11 |
14 | Burning Sun | Electro, lounge. Tags: mysterious, tension, driving, futuristic, productive, electro, lounge | 02:20 |
15 | Peaches | Electro, Ambient. Tags: tension, positive, pulsating, productive, ambient middle part from 01:17, electro, ambient | 02:50 |